Грудзинский Александр ОлеговичThe Director of the IEE
Grudzinsky Alexandr O., PhD, Professor, aog@unn.ru
Трофимов Олег ВладимировичThe deputy director for science and research, Master and PhD programs
Trofimov Oleg V. PhD, Professor

  • ovt@iee.unn.ru
  • +7 (831) 2400966
Макарова Светлана ДмитриевнаThe deputy director for Academic Affairs
Makarova Svetlana D., PhD, Associate Professor

  • +7 (831) 245 44 07
  • makarovasd@iee.unn.ru
Богомолов Сергей ВячеславовичThe deputy director for educational and social work,
Bogomolov Sergey V., PhD, Associate Professor

  • bogomolov@iee.unn.ru
Краснодубская Светлана ВикторовнаThe deputy director for professional orientation work
Krasnodubskaya Svetlana V., PhD, Associate Professor

  • +7 (831) 2400906
  • e-mail: sv_krasn@fup.unn.ru
Гриневич Юлия АнатольевнаNetwork and international educational programs Department, Head of Department
Grinevich Yulia A., PhD, Associate Professor

  • grinevich@iee.unn.ru
Часнык Леонтий Николаевич

The deputy director for development Chasnyk Leonty N.

  • e-mail: chas@unn.ru
Кузнецов Сергей Николаевич

The deputy director for administrative-economic work Kuznetsov Sergey N.

  • Kuznetsov@unn.ru
Игошев Андрей Константинович

The deputy director for General issues Igoshev Andrei K.

  • akigoshev@iee.unn.ru


The IEE includes 16 Departments:
1. Department of Accounting
2. Department of Business Economics
3. Department of Commerce
4. Department of Culture and Psychology of Entrepreneurship
5. Department of Economic Theory and Methodology
6. Department of Economics of a Firm
7. Department of Finance & Credit
8. Department of Information Systems in Finance & Credit
9. Department of Information Technology and Instrumental Methods of Economics
10. Department of Legal Support for Economic and Innovation Activities
11. Department of Management and Public Administration
12. Department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
13. Department of Mathematical Modeling of Economic Processes
14. Department of Service and Tourism
15. Department of the World Economy and Regional Markets
16. Department of University Management and Innovations in Education

Research Centers

  • Centre for Micro and macroeconomic research
  • Centre for Banking research
  • Centre for Financial monitoring
  • Center for Real Estate Business Technologies
  • Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (Tuning Center)
  • Centre for Hospitality
  • Center for Applied Statistics

Business Incubator

UNN Students’ Business Incubator
UNN inter-faculty Business Incubator is the association of students, post-graduates and UNN staff, created in order to develop entrepreneurial skills of its participants.
Our goals:
1) to develop the projects designed by students, post-graduates or UNN staff up to a personal business;
2) to teach the projects’ authors (designers and idea men) and team members the necessary management and organizational skills. We help finding specialists; organize meetings with business consultants and practitioners to solve the most difficult tasks that one can face at different development stages of the project;
3) to find the missing project team members among the students, post-graduates and young professors from different UNN departments.
Our target audience:
You may be interested in the participation of the UNN students’ Business Incubator IF
• You have a WISH to try on the role of business or project director, innovative manager or venture agent, but you don’t have where to apply your project or idea and you are ready to help in another project’s development;
• You have an IDEA of your new business but you don’t have either experience or a team to bring it to life;
• You have a PROJECT of your new business and you’re ready to set it up but you need a team as you cannot manage alone;
• You have a team for the project realization, a ready business-plan and enough money to start selling your new PRODUCT (service), but you don’t have knowledge and experience of start-up organization, selling experience, advertising and PR experience or accounting records maintaining experience.
How we can help:
The Business Incubator association is a part of students’ entrepreneurship support system in the UNN.

To accomplish successfully these tasks WE organize public events:
1) DELIVER trainings in entrepreneurship skills development, creative thinking and presentation skills;
2) DISCUSS the most interesting projects and ideas, run CRUSH-tests and Brain storms to solve the most difficult project development tasks (from finding sales area to determining the new business’ strategy and way of development);
3) PACK the members’ projects and ideas for contests and events;
4) CONSULT and teach via examples the business-plan basis, project management, intellectual property protection, good sales organization secrets;
5) CREATE teams and partnership with operating enterprises.
